
Michael Torres, also known as Myke Towers in the industry of music is a Puerto Rican singer and rapper born on January 15, 1994. In 2017 he slightly modified his name changed from Mike Towers to Myke Towers as a tribute to the music movement Young Kingz of which he is a part of, changing the letter i into a y initial of the name of the group. Myke towers is a Puerto Rico underground rapper who started his journey in his teens. His first album was released. freestyles, compositions and lyrics on SoundCloud. The year 2014 saw him become known for the songs Dia de cobro Por Mi Es Normal et En los Bloques. The freestyle he performed, La Nueva Droga, and the rendition of Drake's classic song "0 to 100" has also drawn attention from the world of hip-hop.

Morgan Myke Myke Myke Myke


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